Alcohol Treatment

Ibogaine for Alcoholism

Alcohol is the most commonly abused toxic substance in the world. Alcoholism often has a negative impact on the life of both addicts and their friends and family. Because it is a socially accepted substance, it is hard to recognize and respond to alcoholism. Alcohol addiction can also be passed on to the next generation. Very often those who were traumatised and abused by a drinking family member end up drinking themselves to cope with their past. This vicious circle is hard to break since alcohol is the most accessible and socially acceptable means to deal with stress.

Ibogaine for Alcoholism Treatment Review – Iboga Experience


The evidence of thousands of alcoholics treated with ibogaine combined with the results of various lab tests on that topic confirm that Ibogaine is indeed a very effective alcohol addiction treatment. The success rate of this method is around 95 percent. This extremely powerful psycho spiritual medicine works on many levels so it’s able to address many aspect of such a difficult and multidimensional problem like alcoholism. It’s obvious that alcohol dependence like every other addiction is a way of dealing or rather escaping from some sort of pain or trauma affecting the person. People usually use alcohol to cover up or numb some difficult emotions, sorrow or negative states of mind which are so hard to live with.

Ibogaine for alcoholism?

ibogaine for alcoholism

A New life after ibogaine treatment for alcoholism

Ibogaine treatment for alcoholism completely eliminates the cravings and desires for alcohol. In addition, the “visionary” aspect of Ibogaine treatment enables the patient to access and work on the psycho-emotional aspects of their addiction. The patient is given the opportunity to recognise and realise the origins of their addiction. Both during and after treatment, you will have the opportunity for a deep self reflection, clearing away negative emotions and thought traps, and be able to forgive others for past events.

Making peace with the past and integrating your experiences during treatment will give you the freedom to move forward towards a happier future.