Opiate Treatment

Opiate Addiction Treatment

Using Ibogaine for opiate addiction has become a more popular treatment option in recent years with a 90% plus one time treatment success rate compared to the 3% to 5% conventional rehab success rates. The message about the effectiveness of ibogaine has spread and has led to an increased demand for Ibogaine treatment. More people than ever are addicted to opiates, but still, there is no other substance or method that can deal with this addiction more successfully than ibogaine. Opiates still remain among the most difficult drugs to quit. The changes they cause in the brain don’t allow for any normal functioning without them. Opiate withdrawal symptoms are very difficult to overcome. For that reason, many people constantly fail in their attempts to quit opiates.

Ibogaine opiate treatment can be used to detox from heroin, prescription opiates (Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, Morphine, etc.), as well as to come off long-acting opiates like Methadone or Suboxone. In the case of long-acting opiate addiction, the patient needs to switch over to SAO (short-acting opiates like Oxycodone, Morphine) prior to Ibogaine treatment. This switch needs to be supervised by us at our facility or by your doctor .

Ibogaine for opiate withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms, and addiction are 100% gone after ibogaine treatment.

woman addicted to opiates

Addiction from opiates destroys life

What makes ibogaine exceptionally good and effective at dealing with opiates is its unique ability to cut off an opiate addiction without the withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Ibogaine medicine has this amazing and unbelievable action of regulating and resetting the brain chemistry back to its pre-addicted state. As a result of that the opiate withdrawal symptoms are 100% gone after ibogaine treatment. This situation creates a real chance for a serious life transformation for everybody who truly wants it. The state of no withdrawals and cravings is a proper opportunity for everybody who is determined to change. Finally, change becomes possible.

Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction offers help like no other method can. It addresses not only the physical but also the psychological aspects of an addiction. A very deep meditative state which is part of ibogaine addiction treatment allows to address the emotional factors that contribute to addiction. Modern studies show that using substances is often a substitute for something missing in one’s life. It is usually a way of dealing with some sort of pain either emotional or physical. Very often it comes back to a healthy relationship with the family, other people and oneself. Trauma is a common emotional root cause for many addictions.

Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction can effectively provide with the mental – emotional healing for an addict. People report that after ibogaine they feel much more at peace with themselves and others, and that ibogaine session allowed them to see things from a different perspective and heal the old wounds. Finally, you feel healthy, positive, and full of energy after that treatment. No need to take drugs anymore. What you will need though is to make some effort and restructure your life around to allow for the new healthier lifestyle to begin.